Descartes Unites the People and Technology that Move the World The need for efficient, secure, and agile supply chains and logistics operations has become ever more critical and complex. By combining innovative technology, powerful trade i...
About the job Are you enthusiastic about languages, proficient in German, and eager to explore the fast-paced field of content moderation? If so, this is a fantastic opportunity to join our team in the vibrant city of Lisbon! Whether yo...
ABOUT Acclaro is the trusted partner to some of the world's biggest brands and fastest-growing global companies. It’s our mission to harness the powerful combination of human expertise and cutting-edge technology, putting brands into the ...
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj - Žilina, Žilinský kraj
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 03:32:32 GMT
Pracovná oblasť: Informačné technológie V meste: Možný termín nástupu: dohodou Ponúkaný druh pracovného pomeru: Hlavný Ponúkame: možnosť práce remote, flexibilná pracovná doba, teambuildingové aktivity, mladý a dynamický...
Job Description: Would you like to work in the Healthcare industry? Do you like agile development practices and enjoy working in a scrum team? Do you enjoy a good challenge and you are not afraid to pick up complicated tasks? In case ...
Summary Our team is seeking a skilled/experienced Frontend Developer to champion the development of our internal component library. This library is core to multiple products, ensuring efficiency and a unified user experience across our offe...
Job Description: Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, was selected to honor our people who dedicate their energy and passion to this cause. It reflects their pioneering spirit combined with ...
Descartes Unites the People and Technology that Move the World The need for efficient, secure, and agile supply chains and logistics operations has become ever more critical and complex. By combining innovative technology, powerful trade i...
SAP Consultant - Sustainability & ESG Place of work Žilina Contract type Full-time Start date By agreement Salary conditions (gross) Starting from EUR 1500 - 3000/month (the final amount will be agreed based on previous work exp...
Who are we looking for? As an Retail IT and Software Asset Management specialist you will be responsible for providing accountability for the company Retail IT fixed assets, identification and managing capitalized and sensitive equipment ...
Who are we looking for? We are looking for a new team member who will perform all necessary tasks to ensure proper functionality of SeS Systems and other IT related services on service stations (SeS) in scope. Together with Product Owners...
Who are we looking for? We are looking for a new team member who will perform all necessary tasks to ensure proper functionality of SeS Systems and other IT related services on service stations (SeS) in scope. Together with Product Owners...
Who are we looking for? As an Retail IT and Software Asset Management specialist you will be responsible for providing accountability for the company Retail IT fixed assets, identification and managing capitalized and sensitive equipment ...
Job Description: Mzda: 2 100 € brutto/mesiac + variabilná odmena Finálna výška nástupnej mzdy závisí od Vašich pracovných skúseností a nadobudnutej praxe v odbore. Čo majú spoločné metrá vo Viedni, v Kodani, v Istanbule či v Buenos Ai...
Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste: Hľadáme do pracovného pomeru zdravotnú sestru do MEDCENTRA , s.r.o. v Žiline na trvalý pracovný pomer, skrátený alebo na dohodu s možnosťou zaučenia sa na 2-3 ambulanciách, po zaučení aj stála amb...
Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste: - práca na CNC routroch - obrábanie plastov (PP, PE, PVDF, PVC a iné)- práca v systéme SYNTEC- kreslenie a príprava programov (ArtCam a AutoCAD) Ponúkaný plat: Od 1000.00 - do 1700.00 EUR/mesiacNá...
Zistíte, či firma videla váš životopis, získate prehľad o histórii reakcií a na inzeráty odpoviete jednoduchšie s predvyplnenými údajmi. Rýchlo si tiež vytvoríte životopis a sprístupníte ho pre firmy. Prihlásiť sa Poradíme Vám? S prihlá...
Hľadáme TOP účtovníka pre HermStav s.r.o. a pridružené spoločnosti! Čo bude tvojou misiou? -Komplexné spracovanie účtovníctva - chceš mať veci pod kontrolou? U nás sa postaráš o kompletnú správu účtovných operácií! -Mesačné a ročné uzá...
Hľadáte príležitosť, kde môžete plne využiť svoje znalosti účtovníctva, rozšíriť svoje skúsenosti v medzinárodnom prostredí a podieľať sa na strategických projektoch? Potom ste na správnom mieste! Pre dynamicky rastúcu spoločnosť pôsobiacu ...
Sme úspešná firma plná úspešných ľudí! Aj vy chcete byť takí úspešní? Tak potom ste tu správne! Sme PSS, Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, a patríme medzi TOP 3 finančné inštitúcie poskytujúce produkty na financovanie bývania. Na pozícii odborn...