Popis práce Preparing information for financial statements in accordance with European accounting standards; Preparing information for tax returns; Financial reporting Verification of documents in terms of accounting and tax; Settlem...
Senior Data and Technology consultant Grade D, local Nitra Salary: From 2600 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule At JLR Slovakia, we're on a continual journey to reimagine the future of modern luxury, an...
Join the Global LT community and help provide language lessons to business professionals and their families worldwide. We are hiring a Slovak Language Teacher to provide in-person customized lessons in Nitra. Job Information: Class numb...
Popis: Využite príležitosť pracovať v stabilnej medzinárodnej spoločnosti. - Preparation of internal and statutory reporting of the European entities, compliant with local GAAP. - Preparation of consolidation of all European entities ...
Senior Project Analyst Grade D, local Nitra, temporary for 18 months Salary: From 2600 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule At JLR Slovakia, we're on a continual journey to reimagine the future of modern ...
Exports and Shipping Analyst Grade C, local Nitra Salary: From 1930 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule OPPORTUNITY The Export and Shipping Analyst will be part of a small, highly skilled team of SMEs ...
Launch Analyst Grade C, local Nitra, temporary for 18 months Salary: From 1930 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule OPPORTUNITY The primary roles of the Import & Export Operations are as follows: To en...
Pack Process Engineer Grade C, local Nitra Salary: From 1930 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule OPPORTUNITY This role sits with the KD Operations holding responsibility for the end to end set up, main...
Quality Engineer Grade C, local Nitra Salary: From 1930 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule OPPORTUNITY This operational based role sits with the Imports and Exports CKD Operations, and is responsible ...
Occupational Health Advisor Grade C, local Nitra Salary: From 1900 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rule OPPORTUNITY Acting as a key member of the Health, Safety & Wellbeing team, the Occupational Health Ad...
Popis práce Využite príležitosť pracovať v stabilnej medzinárodnej spoločnosti. Responsible for representing the interests of our company in the automotive market. Provide input to come to a long term sales-plan in the concerning market...
Lead Facilities Engineer Grade D, local Nitra Salary: From 2800 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rules OPPORTUNITY Paint Manufacturing Engineer is responsible for introduction of new facilities, materials...
Maintenance Shift Planning Engineer GRADE C, JLR Nitra Salary: From 2100 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rules OPPORTUNITY Undertake management of the day to day workload planning for the Maintenance Te...
Environmental Engineer Grade C, local Nitra Salary: From 2000 eur monthly, 0-15% yearly bonus, other benefits according JLR rules OPPORTUNITY We are seeking a skilled and proactive Environmental Engineer to join our team in the automot...
Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti: - Práca s elektronickou registračnou pokladňou, zodpovednosť za hotovosť - Práca za obslužným pultom - Kontrola kvality tovaru a záručných lehôt - Vykladanie a vystavovanie tovaru - Označovanie...
Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste: Hľadáme Bezpečnostného pracovníka do nášho tímu!Tvoja náplň práce bude zahŕňať:- Fyzickú ochranu obchodnej prevádzky- Kontrolu vstupov a výstupov z prevádzky- Monitorovanie kamier a zabezpečenie b...
Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti: - správa techniky (nákup, inštalácia, konfigurácia PC, periférnych zariadení a ostatného HW vybavenia - údržba počítačovej siete (konfigurácia, zálohovanie, ochrana údajov, antivírusová kontrola) ...
Hľadáme stabilného pracovníka na pozíciu Operátor výroby autodiskov. Ide o jednoduchú a nenáročnú manuálnu prácu pri procese výroby diskov na automobily. Činnosti sú nasledovné: prehadzovanie plastových plátov na palety, presun diskov na pá...
Hľadáme stabilného pracovníka na pozíciu Operátor výroby autodiskov. Ide o jednoduchú a nenáročnú manuálnu prácu pri procese výroby diskov na automobily. Činnosti sú nasledovné: prehadzovanie plastových plátov na palety, presun diskov na pá...
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj - Nitra, Nitrianský kraj
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 02:43:09 GMT
Náplň práce: Chceli by ste nahliadnuť do fungovania chodu energetickej distribučnej sústavy? Radi riešite a analyzujete vzniknuté situácie a navrhujete vhodné opatrenia? Máte elektrotechnické vzdelanie? Ak ste na tieto otázky odpovedali Á...