Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
About Us Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditio...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with lead...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Convatec is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with leading positions in advanced wound care...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of Convatec which is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with l...
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8341002 - Traktorista (poľnohospodárstvo) Pracovná oblasť: Poľnohospodárstvo, záhradníctvo, rybolov a veterinárstvo Počet voľných miest: 1 Náplň práce: Obsluha traktora a s tým súvisiace poľnohospodárske práce. Informácie pre uchádz...
3142001 - Vedúci strediska v poľnohospodárstve Pracovná oblasť: Poľnohospodárstvo, záhradníctvo, rybolov a veterinárstvo Počet voľných miest: 1 Náplň práce: Evidencia a riadenie prác na hospodárskom dvore. Informácie pre uchádzača: ...
Mzda Nástupná mesačná mzda pri úväzku 38,75 hod./týž. : 2.150 € Samozrejmosťou ku mzde sú všetky zákonné príplatky. Okrem toho od nás dostaneš služobné auto aj na súkromné účely. Automaticky ti každý mesiac dobijeme kredit na nákup v Lid...
1311002 - Riadiaci pracovník (manažér) rastlinnej výroby Pracovná oblasť: Poľnohospodárstvo, záhradníctvo, rybolov a veterinárstvo Počet voľných miest: 1 Náplň práce: Organizácia práce v rastlinnej výrobe. Informácie pre uchádzača: ...
8341001 - Kombajnista Pracovná oblasť: Poľnohospodárstvo, záhradníctvo, rybolov a veterinárstvo Počet voľných miest: 1 Náplň práce: obsluha kombajnu pri poľnohospodárskych prácach v rastlinnej výrobe Informácie pre uchádzača: Prac...