Run a successful PHP job site with the Jobs Portal script
With Jobs Portal you can create advanced job board sites with multiple features for the users, modern interface and different designs and templates to match your preferences.
Some of its features include:
- Responsive (mobile-friendly) front end design created with the latest Bootstrap 4
- Job search form allowing to search the jobs by keyword and location
- Functionality to create job email alerts and be notified by email when there are new jobs listed on the site matching the search criteria
- Home page slider allowing to show own sliders or featured or latest jobs or mix between them, which can be controlled from the admin panel
- Functionality to change the main site colors from the admin panel by selecting one of the predefined colors or entering a custom color code
- Advanced search form allowing to search by keyword, job type, location, category, company name, posting date, zip code and distance search from a selected zip code
- Multi-language site with possibility to load more languages on the site and let the site visitors choose the language they prefer
- Predictive (with suggestions) location search in the main job search form
- Section showing the top companies on the site (which have posted most jobs or featured jobs) with links to see the company details and its jobs
- Browse jobs by category, showing a list with categories and functionality to highlight categories and upload images for them
Click here to find out more for Jobs Portal and to check the online demos.
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