cu experienta in activitate mentenanta, angajam pentru o fabrica din Sannicolau Mare, jud. Timis. Program de lucru 8 ore/ zi, L-V, in 2 schimburi. Beneficii: transport, bonuri de masa, cursuri de calificare. Cerinte obligatorii: 12 clase fi...
Scurta descriere a companiei Professional represents for over 25 years, the most performing Romanian approach of complete human resources services on the market. We define our approach and evolution through key-words like professionalis...
Scurta descriere a companiei Professional represents for over 25 years, the most performing Romanian approach of complete human resources services on the market. We define our approach and evolution through key-words like professionalis...
Scurta descriere a companiei Professional represents for over 25 years, the most performing Romanian approach of complete human resources services on the market. We define our approach and evolution through key-words like professionalis...