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Graphic Designer

Posted on 09/25/2024 by Test Company
salary 5000.00$ per month
location San juan, Argentina
time Contract
Job Start Date: 20 september
applications 0 Applications

A web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. Unlike web developers, who specialise in creating new websites' structures and the code that forms these, web designers tend to focus on the visual aspects of a site, such as its layout and its usability. However, there can be crossover between these two roles.

Typical duties include:

  • meeting clients to discuss their requirements and agree a brief
  • producing sample sites
  • keeping clients up to date with the progress
  • research user journey needs
  • testing site functionality and usability
  • demonstrating and receiving feedback about draft sites
  • keeping up to date with design trends and technological, software and accessibility developments
  • advising clients on search engine optimisation
  • designing graphics and logos
  • digital retouching and image editing
  • providing training and/or support once the site is signed off.

As a web designer, you could work in house, where you’ll work on projects for your own employer, or freelance, when you take on projects for a number of clients. In both scenarios, there can be pressure to meet deadlines and you may need to work extra hours.

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