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Combine Multiple PHP Scripts Demo

combine multiple php scripts one user login, one account

All our scripts can be combined, so you can choose more scripts and
create unique websites with multiple features for the users.

They can be also set to allow an user to use his account on the others, so he doesn't have to register again, but can log in directly with his existing account on the others.

The different scripts can be set to use one design and template, in order that they look like being
part of one big sites and not separate sites and also the design and features can be customized according to your needs.

This particular demo represents our business directory combined with the mall, deals and classifieds script installed in sub folders, using all the same template
like the business directory and they all linking one to the other in the main menu.

Should you have more questions or any specific requirements, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to assist.

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