
Almost new Galaxy S3

This phone is almost new, it was used for only 2 weeks. Please call me for details. Design work on the S III started in late 2010 under the supervision of Chang Dong-hoon, Samsung's Vice President and Head of the Design Group of Samsung Electronics. From the start, the design group concentrated on a trend which Samsung dubs "organic", which suggests that a prospective design should reflect natural elements such as the flow of water and wind. Some of the results of this design were the curved outline of the phone and its home screen's "Water Lux" effect, where taps and slides produce water ripples.

Throughout the eighteen-month design process, Samsung implemented stringent security measures and procedures to maintain secrecy of the eventual design until its launch. Designers worked on three prototypes concurrently while regarding each of them as the final product. Doing so required a constant duplication of effort, as they had to repeat the same process for all three prototypes.

Price: $250.00

Location: Post Falls, Idaho

Phone:   +12223334444

Almost new Galaxy S3

Total Visits: 39 Print Posted on: 02/02/2023

Almost new Galaxy S3

Post Falls, Idaho

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